Morro Castle : Passenger and Crew List

Passengers and crew aboard the Morro Castle at the time of disaster…

Morro Castle : Known Occupied Cabins

The following list was compiled by combining information from the Ward Line ticketing list, and Francis Crocco’s hand written notes. In the cases of Mr. and Mrs. Filtzer; Anna Behling; Herman Cluthe, and Thomas Torresen and Lester Arriessohn, the cabin numbers were found in the FBI depositions on file with the Bob McDonnell papers at the Titanic International Society.

This list contains the names of passengers known to have been on board and verified through multiple sources. It is as complete as we can make it, but there are some omissions. For instance, a survivor named Kathleen O’Grady appeared on multiple lists of hospitalized passengers issued on September 9th, but did not appear on any of the Ward Line ticketing or cabin lists. Miss O’Grady did not grant any interviews to the press, and so until confirmation that she was a bona fide survivor is found, she has been omitted. The U.S. Censuses of 1920 and 1930 have been invaluable in clearing up some of the more ambiguous passenger names~ Myett Longe, Margaret Lomse, Myrtle Lomse and Margaret Lohse, all of the same address in Richmond Hill, Queens, have now been identified as Mrs. Myrtle Lohse. Likewise, the confusion over the names and ages of the Saenz family has finally been resolved. Wherever possible we have attempted to use multiple sources to insure accuracy. With the exceptions of Miss E.M. Johnson, Mrs. Giannini and Mrs. Brinkmann, we have now determined the first name of every passenger aboard the ship- a sometimes daunting task. “Drena Villehoz” “Irene Villehaft” “Iranio Villehoft” and several other variants of what was obviously the same name stymied reporters, in 1934, to the extent that “Complete name, address, and gender unknown” was occasionally appended to that name on published list of victims. Drena Villehoz now stands revealed as Irineo Villehoz, a man. A single citation, confirmed through records at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, allowed Mrs. James Dillon to be given the first name Lulu.

The names of the victims are shown in italic.



16 of 20 cabins and suites occupied. Pelvis of body found in hall between cabins 19 and 21. Identified in newspapers as male.

1. Dr. Charles Cochrane. Recovered from cabin: Watch and chain with safety pin attached to chain. Eleven keys on ring. Four coins- one cent, one dime, two coins fused together, eight pieces of metal. One small set of tools.

2. Dr. Theodore L. Vosseler
Mrs. Katherine Vosseler. Recovered from cabin: Watch and chain with monogram T.V.L.

3. Miss Catherine Cochrane. Recovered from cabin: Two keys. One small piece of metal. Four stones, possibly pearls. One ring (three large stones, two appear to be diamonds) third stone blue. Several small diamonds along side. Two eyeglass lenses. Two dresser clocks, one with a diameter of about four inches, one with a diameter of about three inches. Metal portion of dental plate. Three gold inlays or teeth. Three teeth (white) possibly false. Monocle. Bones found on bedsprings.

9. Miss Nan. B. Helm. Recovered from cabin: Eleven coins fused together. Five keys. one identification tag. Scissors, one metal figure, one stone in setting. Dresser clock. One stone, six stones in setting.

10. Mr. Max ‘Monroe’ Berliner. Recovered from cabin: Eleven keys on ring, watch and wrist watch, small case (gold filled) marked Claremore Lodge. Nine dimes, eight nickels, three Cuban nickels, one quarter. Two sets of cuff links, three studs, one watch chain, two pieces of metal. Masonic ring. Charred bones. Several gold teeth.

11. Mr. Walter E. Byrne. Recovered from cabin: One pair of eye glasses.

12. Mr. David Schneider. Recovered from cabin: Three keys, one clasp and a few beads. Four cents, two quarters, one dime, one Cuban nickel.

14. Mr. Frank B. Meley. Recovered from cabin: One belt buckle, monogram F.B.M. One silver dollar, part of medal.

15. Mrs. Renee Mendez Capote. Recovered from cabin: Eleven keys in a bunch. Four keys on ring and chain. One shell novelty, one silver novelty, traveling clock.

16. Mrs. Angelus D’Orn. Recovered from cabin: Five metal drinking cups fused together. Sixteen pieces of silver dresser set. One small pen knife, two thimbles, one metal address book cover, one watch (appears to be). One small cross, two pieces of metal possibly a belt, six pieces of metal possibly a belt, five buckles, part of medal, part of rosary beads, three pieces of fused jewelry, one stone. Bones of one whippet dog,

17. Miss Rosario Camacho.  Recovered from cabin: One Cuban cent, one American cent. Scissors.

18. Master Roberto Gonzales. Recovered from cabin: One belt buckle, one key.

19. Dr. Henry Strauch
Mrs. Ruth Strauch. Recovered from cabin: Watch and chain, scissors, four cents, one dime, one nickel, one quarter.

21. Master Braulio Saenz y Aguilera. Recovered from cabin: One metal powder box, three keys, nine collar buttons, wrist watch, two childrens’ pins, two medals, one Cuban 20 cent, one Indian head cent, one Cuban five cent, one cent, six English coins, two gold coins.

23. Mrs. Caridad Saenz
Miss Margaret Saenz y Aguilera
Miss Marta Saenz y Aguilera. Recovered from cabin: Four keys, two Cuban 5 cents, one two peso gold piece, piece of metal and coin fused together, one necklace in three pieces, two parts of rings (one appears to be diamond). Bones found on floor believed to be remains of Saenz child.



None of the 8 suites on B Deck were occupied. Watchman Harold Foersch, known to have been on the bridge with Captain Warms at the onset of the fire, was tentatively named as the body found on the forward starboard promenade deck, under the bridge, on Sunday. The only decking unburned on the entire expanse of B Deck was beneath his body.



86 of 93 cabins and suites occupied.

201. Mr. Jose Antonio Freire. Recovered from cabin: Two medallions, one belt buckle, one medal, forty coins undetermined denomination, small cross.

202. Miss Edith Hull. Recovered from cabin: Three cents fused together, two coins fused together, wrist watch, five keys, six keys on chain.

203. Dr. Francisco Busquet
Mrs. Ofelia Busquet
Miss Ofelia Busquet. Recovered from cabin: One disc, one bracelet in seven sections, five medallions, one key, rosary beads and bullet fused, one mass of fused jewelry. Jewelry fused to small bottle. One cuff link with diamond set in center, broken wedding ring set in stones. One pin. Two stones, part of setting burned.

204. Miss Zelda Nathanson. Recovered from cabin: Three keys. One silver dollar, eleven nickels, five quarters.

205. Dr. Harry Brinkman
Mrs. Harry Brinkman. Recovered from cabin: Traveling clock, wrist watch, dental bridge (six teeth) two pairs of cuff links, eight studs for dress shirt. Six coins, two rings- stone set in center, corner of billfold (gold), thirty seven crystal beads, seventeen pieces-probably part of bracelet (metal with stone insets)

206. Dr. Paul Giannini
Mrs. Paul Giannini. Recovered from cabin: Four keys on ring. Watch and chain fused together. Ten pieces of what appears to be bracelet.

207. Mr. Philip Geffert
Mrs. Lillian Geffert. Recovered from cabin: One key, one watch, four coins fused together, fused rosary beads, three pieces of what is believed to be jewelry, one diamond ring.

208. Mr. Milton Listic
Mr. John Kempf. Recovered from cabin: Two keys, bottle opener and knife on remains of key case, two keys on remains of key case, two nickels, one cent.

209. Dr. Gouverneur Morris Phelps
Mrs. Katherine Phelps. Recovered from cabin: Traveling clock, two watches, one cent, one forty cent Cuban coin, bracelet fused with glass bottle.

21(?) Miss Kathleen Canavan
Miss Evelyn Wheeler

210. Miss Francis Spector
Miss Eva Fisk. Recovered from cabin: Dresser clock, two medallions one in case, six keys, one dime, two dimes fused together, three dimes fused together, three pennies, two nickels, one quarter, one cent and one quarter fused together, one cigarette case.

211. Miss Madge Carpenter
Miss Jerry Erickson. Recovered from cabin: Two keys separate, two keys together, two keys on a chain. Small mass of fused jewelry. One bracelet. Three coins fused together. Two coins fused together. Set of earrings, stones missing. One earring. Two clasps. Three pieces of jewelry, probably necklace. Four pieces of jewelry, probably bracelet (three blue stones and what appear to be two diamonds), a fused bead. one ring, with two diamonds and four diamond chips. One ring, unable to determine stone.

212. Mr. Eduardo Suarez y Murias. Recovered from cabin: Nothing found.

214. Miss Doris Wacker
Miss Marjorie Budlong. Recovered from cabin: One ring, stone melted. Five nickels, seven pennies, three keys, five keys attached to key case, two sets of earrings, one novelty- gun shaped, inch long.

215. Mr. Abraham Cohen
Mrs. Harriet Cohen. Recovered from cabin: Two nickels, one cent, one coin unable to determine, two keys, part of ring, three sets of earrings, one earring, two pieces of metal.

216. Mrs. Frances Murphy
Miss Sarah Murphy
Miss Frances Murphy. Recovered from cabin: Three bracelets, one in three pieces, five keys, one cuff link, one ring, one cross, one Cuban twenty cent pieces, two Cuban five cent pieces, one brooch.

217. Mrs. Edna Von Pollnitz
Miss Betty Roberts. Recovered from cabin: Two bracelets, two sets of keys- two in each set, one key, four keys on broken chain, band of metal appears to be ring, one part of an earring, one part of a bracelet, four beads.

218. Occupant Not Known. Recovered from cabin: Three rings, one wrist watch, nine keys, several coins fused together, one penny, one nickel.

Louise Taubert

219. Miss Louise Taubert
Miss Florence Roberts
Miss Floride LaRoche. Recovered from cabin: Seven keys in key fold, rosary beads, two keys on ring, four keys separate, two nickels, one cent, three tokens-United Electric Railways. One cross, two medallions, one lavaliere and chain, one brooch, four pieces of link chain possibly a necklace, frame for purse, six pieces of beads.

220. Mr. Henry Borman. Recovered from cabin: Two keys, dresser clock.

221. Mr. Gouverneur M. Phelps, Jr.
Mr. Edward Kendall. Recovered from cabin: Watch, lighter, stone 3/16″x 1 1/16″ x 1 1/16″ with figure engraved on face, one coin, three coins fused.

222. Mr. Emanuel Weinberger
Mrs. Mollie Weinberger. Recovered from cabin: Two keys fused together, three keys, three nickels, one cent, one quarter, one token.

223. Mr. James Kennedy
Mrs. Ellen Kennedy. Recovered from cabin: One diamond ring, large stone in center (diamond) and three chips on each side- six in all. One ring, large oblong
stone in center and one diamond on each side. One ring unable to determine stone. Stateroom key and four other keys on ring. One bracelet, wrist watch, one set of cuff links. Three pennies fused, two pennies fused, what appear to be a quarter and a nickel fused. Two dimes fused together, one nickel, two cents, two quarters, two coins undetermined.

224. Occupant Not Known. Recovered from cabin: One ring, two keys, one cross, one brooch, one coin, U.S. Marine emblem.

225. Mr. Joseph Heiman. Recovered from cabin: Dresser clock, four keys on chain, one key on ring, nine keys, five wrist watches, lighter, tie clamp, stone set in partly broken ring, three coins fused together, seven pennies, three nickels, one quarter, one dime.

226. Mr. Frank Loveland
Mrs. Nathene Loveland. Recovered from cabin: Nothing found.

227. Mr. Frederick Faulconer
Mr. Harry Lipscombe. Recovered from cabin: Ten keys on ring, three keys on ring, two keys, one cuff link, one quarter, one nickel.

228. Mr. Herbert Wacker
Mrs. Lillian Wacker. Recovered from cabin: Two pairs of earrings, sports buckle, watch, three quarters, four dimes, one nickel, watch chain with attachment for belt on which is an Elks emblem.

229. Mr. Ferdinand Reinkung
Mr. William Grimm. Recovered from cabin: One belt buckle, one coin, one tie clasp.

230. Miss Ann Conway. Recovered from cabin: One pair of earrings.

231. Mr. Louis Pollice
Mrs. Viola Pollice. Recovered from cabin: 1 1/2 keys fused together, two nickels, one quarter.

232. Mr. Philip B. Newmark
Mrs. Dora Newmark. Recovered from cabin: One dinner ring in three pieces in which are set several stones, possibly diamonds. Cigarette and compact case, one key, four coins appearing to be pennies, one Cuban centavo, one pair of cuff links, brooch with initials D.N.

234. Miss Bertha Marquardt. Recovered from cabin: One bracelet in three pieces, one key, four coins fused together, lavaliere in three pieces.

Sidney and Dolly
Davidson’s Stateroom

235. Mr. Sydney Davidson
Mrs. Dolly Davidson. Recovered from cabin: One cigarette case, four keys, three coins fused together, two quarters, one nickel, one cent, one ring, two small diamonds, one blue stone.

237. Miss Eleanor Brennan. Recovered from cabin: One compact, possibly gold. Small clock, one cross, three medallions, one bracelet.

238. Mr. Reuben Holden
Mrs. Grace Holden. Recovered from cabin: One bracelet in two pieces- 21 diamonds set in one piece, two diamonds set in other piece. The piece with two diamonds is fused to a brooch in which are set twelve diamonds. One diamond appears to be 3/4 karat. One mesh bag, one filigree brooch, fifteen keys, one watch, one ashtray, 16 coins, one medal, one tile, eight small clay figures, part of earring, one pendant with white stone.

239. Mr. Henry Zimplinski
Mr. George Sivation. Recovered from cabin: One medallion.

240. Mr. Gustav Marquardt. Recovered from cabin: Two watches, three rings on a ring, one key, one pair of cuff links, nine coins fused together, three quarters, six coins fused together, five nickels, one cent, six dimes, three coins fused together.

241. Mr. Clemens Landmann
Mrs. Jose Landmann
Miss Marta Landmann. Recovered from cabin: One bracelet, one metal bottle stopper, one pin, one buckle, one watch.

242. Mr. Stephen Bodner
Mrs. Wilhelmina Bodner

243. Mr. Hiram Hulse
Mrs. Mary Hulse. Recovered from cabin: Dresser clock, small woman’s watch, thimble, small shackle, token.

244. Mrs. Florence Brown
Miss Alice Desvernine. Recovered from cabin: One cross, one mesh bracelet, one mesh belt in three pieces, one set of earrings.

John Morgan Holden

245. Master John Holden
Ruben Andrus Holden, Jr. Recovered from cabin: Buckle, engraved R.A.H., fourteen coins, three cuff links, small green glass figure.

246. Miss Anne Behling. Recovered from cabin: One bracelet, one bracelet in four parts, one brooch, two keys.

247. Mr. Ernest Pottberg. Recovered from cabin: Pen knife, silver fountain pen cap.

248. Mr. Wilfred J. Kedy. Recovered from cabin: Four keys, three coins, one ring with Masonic emblem.

249. Dr. Jules Blondiau
Mrs. Martha Blondiau. Recovered from cabin: Eight keys on remains of key case, five keys on remains of key case, three coins.

250. Mr. Irineo Villehoz. Recovered from cabin: One ring (appears to be), one stone, three pieces of watch chain.

251. Occupant Unknown. Recovered from cabin: One key on chain, two earrings, dinner ring, watch, two bracelets, seven coins.

252. Mr. Herman Pannino
Mrs. Pearl Pannino
Mr. Samuel Vitale
Mrs. Samuel Vitale. Recovered from cabin: Two coins, one key, two earrings, two novelty anchors.

253. Mr. August Scheely
Mrs. Frieda Scheely. Recovered from cabin: Two keys, large colorless stone.

Reuben Andrus Holden

254. Mr. Francesco Tosti
Mr. Aurelio Piedra. Recovered from cabin: One pair of cuff links, three studs, one collar button and one pair of nail scissors.

255. Mr. Herman C. Miller
Mrs. Constance Miller. Recovered from cabin: Six keys on ring, watch, two keys, sixteen coins.

256. Mr. Alexander McArthur
Mrs. Frieda McArthur. Recovered from cabin: Lavaliere in two parts- two stones on one part one stone on the other part. Class pin, one thimble, twelve coins, one good luck piece.

257. Mr. Benjamin Hirsch
Mrs. Kay Lambert Hirsch. Recovered from cabin: Mesh pocket book, ten keys on ring chain attached, eight keys on ring, small anchor pin, wrist watch, twenty three coins.

258. Miss Bessie Weinrub
Miss Estelle Chesler
Mrs. Bessie Perlmann. Recovered from cabin: Several coins fused together, six parts of earrings, one brooch with three stones, one key, pair of nail scissors.

259. Dr. James Borrell
Mrs. Henrietta Borrell. Recovered from cabin: Wrist watch studded with diamonds fused to a mass of jewelry, which consists of wedding ring studded with diamonds, two other diamonds visible.

260. Miss Grace Fitzgerald
Miss Evelyn Fitzgerald. Recovered from cabin: Pendant of a lavaliere with diamond in center, one ring with red stone, one crucifix in stand. Pendant of a lavaliere and chain fused together- seven stones in the pendant and earring fused to the chain, six coins, two medallions part of a lavaliere fused with part of an earring (seven stones), rosary beads, three earrings, pin or brooch shaped like a bow and one shaped like a letter “H.” Mass of metal, possibly gold.

261. Mrs. Betty Sheridan
Master Arthur Sheridan
Mr. Thomas Featherstone. Recovered from cabin: Four keys on remains of key case, two earrings, four pieces of jewelry.

262. Mr. Matthew McElhenny. Recovered from cabin: Seven keys on ring, one watch, one pen knife, four coins.

263. Mr. Edward J. Brady
Mrs. Adele Brady
Miss Nancy Brady

265. Mr. George Whitlock
Mrs. Charlotte Whitlock

266. Miss Lillian Davidson
Miss Martha Bradbury

267. Miss Henrietta Wecker
Miss Sarah Throne

269. Mr. William H. Weil
Mrs. Clara Weil

270. Miss Nellie Marshall
Miss Julia Vallejo

271. Miss Gertrude Cohn
Miss Sydney Falkmann

272. Miss Rose Biren

Agnes Berry

273. Miss Agnes Berry
Miss Helen Brodie

274. Mr. Israel Rudberg

275. Miss Florence Sherman

276. Father Raymond Egan
Mr. Louis Perrine

277. Mr. George Watremez

278. Mr. Charles. O’Connor
Mr. James Bute

279. Miss Gladys Knight
Miss Ethel Knight

281. Mr. Thorpe Aschoff
Mrs. Doris Aschoff.

282. Mrs. Dora Gahringer
Miss Lillian Gahringer

283. Miss Marguerite Gilligan
Miss Regine Gilligan

284. Mr. W. Caldwell Golden

290. Miss Janet Pruzan
Miss Eleanor Friend



48 of 57 cabins occupied.

301. Dr. S. Joseph Bregstein
Master Mervin Bregstein. Recovered from cabin: One pen knife, nine keys on ring.

302. Miss Camilla Conroy. Recovered from cabin: Two keys, one crucifix, part of a medallion, two brooches, several coins and a good luck piece fused together, part of a bracelet.

303. Mr. Charles Hoffman
Mr. Charles Hoffman, Jr.

304. Mr. James Hassall
Mrs. Elsie Hassall. Recovered from cabin: Key and coin fused together, two keys, three coins. Ring with two white stones possibly diamonds, third stone missing, fused with glass and has been exposed to great heat.

305. Mrs. Julia Rueda
Master Ricardo Rueda
Master Benito Rueda. Recovered from cabin: Wrist watch, pen knife, and key.

306. Mr. Emil Lampe
Mrs. Lillian Lampe. Recovered from cabin: Fifteen coins, 25 crystal beads, three keys, two keys on a safety pin, one oblong stone, part of ring or earring, part of earring, necklace in three pieces, eye glass frame.

307. Mrs. Sarah Hoffman
Miss Dora Hoffman. Recovered from cabin: Five coins, four keys on a ring, wrist watch and two pieces of wrist band.

308. Miss Caroline Casey
Miss Jane Adams
Miss Ann Conway. Recovered from cabin: Eleven coins fused together, three coins fused together, fifteen coins, five keys attached together, two keys, rosary in three pieces.

309. Mrs. Mary Robinson
Miss Lucille Robinson. Recovered from cabin: Three coins, one crucifix, rosary beads fused together, small elephant pin.

310. Miss Edith Hassall
Miss Loretta Hassall.  Recovered from cabin: Three coins fused together, two coins fused together, eleven coins, part of a ring, ring and earring fused together, heart shaped
brooch, identification tag, one medallion, four keys, several keys in remains of a key case fused together, four beads, part of an earring.

311. Miss Pauline Kurland
Miss Augusta Tusrin. Recovered from cabin: Four coins, one pencil, one key.

Claire Drummond

312. Mr. James A. Drummond
Mrs. Claire Drummond. Recovered from cabin: Two coins fused together, two coins, rosary beads fused together, several keys in remains of a key case fused together, two masses of fused beads.

313. Miss Agnes Prince
Miss Ruth Prince. Recovered from cabin: Bracelet, earrings and lavaliere fused together, several coins fused together, one Cuban coin, part of earring, pair of earrings fused to part of bracelet, three pieces of jewelry- either part of bracelet or lavaliere.

314. Mr. Robert Meissner
Mrs. Anna Meissner. Recovered from cabin: Two coins, tie clasp, one pen knife.

315. Miss Eva Hoffman. Recovered from cabin: Eight coins, two coins fused together, what appears to be two masses of fused coins, two keys on ring, two keys, five studs, one woman’s ring with purple stone and two triangle chips.

316. Occupant unknown. Recovered from cabin: Four keys attached to remains of key case, one key, three keys attached together- two of them broken in half, five coins, one medallion. (Cabin occupant was Assistant Cruise Director Herman Cluthe)

317. Miss Alice Miller
Miss Adele Wallace. Recovered from cabin: One coin, wrist watch, bracelet in two pieces, pen knife, large stone and setting.

318. Mr. Charles Filtzer
Mrs. Selma Filtzer. Recovered from cabin: Two keys attached to remains of key case, tie clasp, seven coins, two studs, part of watch chain

319. Dr. Samuel Lerner
Mrs. Rose Lerner

322. Mr. Henry Hagedorn
Mrs. Minnie Hagedorn. Recovered from cabin: Tie pin, tie clasp, two coins, bracelet in two pieces, part of cuff link, two brooches, one necklace.

324. Mr. Charles Bader. Recovered from cabin: Two coins.

325. Mr. Adolph Kosbothe
Mrs. Mary Kosbothe. Recovered from cabin: Thimble, mass of fused beads.

James Chalfont

326. Mr. James Chalfont, 2nd.
Mr. Thomas M. Peirce
Mr. Morton Lyon. Recovered from cabin: Twelve keys on remains of key case, tie pin, tie clasp, six coins, two pocket watches, one wrist watch, one small pen knife.

327. Mrs. Letty Mohr
Miss Louise Overgene. Recovered from cabin: Three keys on key ring, three keys, thirty coins, pair of earrings, one lavaliere, two dinner rings.

328. Dr. James Coll
Mrs. Dorothy Coll

329. Mr. George Ridderhoff
Mr. Paul Arneth. Recovered from cabin: Ten keys on ring, pen knife, part of what appears to be a watch chain.

331. Mr. William Clark
Mrs. Carrie Clark

332. Assistant Purser Lester Ariessohn
Assistant Purser Thomas Torressen

333. Miss Emily Beck
Mrs. Anna Siegmund

335. Mr. Ernest Distler
Mrs. Adelaide Distler

337. Mrs. Ann Marie Milliken
Mrs. Anna Kuhn

343. Miss Dinah Levy
Mrs. Kate Noteboom

345. Mr. Thomas Cannon
Mr. Michael Dulk.

347. Miss Una Cullen

349. Mr. Lloyd Barnstead
Mrs. Grace Barnstead

351. Mr. Henry Jakoby
Mrs. Josephine Jakoby
Mr. Henry Jakoby, Jr.

353. Mr. George English
Mr. Francis Stewart

355. Mr. Milton Klein
Mr. James A. Flynn. Recovered from cabin: Eleven keys on ring, remains of key case.

357. Mr. Herman Mayer
Mrs. Sophie Mayer
Miss Margaret Mayer. Recovered from cabin: One brooch, one lavaliere.

363. Miss Margaret Cotter
Miss Evelyn Hendricks

3-6. Mr. Nathan Feinberg
Mr. Francis J. Nass

Aft Deckhouse on C DECK

401. Mrs. Lulu Dillon
Miss Mae Maloney
Miss Dorothy Verfenstein

402. Mr. Jacob Likewise
Mrs. Minnie Likewise

403. Miss Mildred Weiser
Miss Katherine Liebler. Recovered from cabin: Three quarters, two other coins.

404. Mr. Charles Menken
Mrs. Mary Menken

405. Mr. Philip Weiser
Mrs. Ida Weiser

406. Miss Karin Klintberg
Miss Marie Schmitt
Miss Ethel Schmitt. Recovered from cabin: Two keys, one coin, bracelet with diamond and two blue stones, fourteen earrings, one lavaliere with small diamond in the pendant.

Aft Deckhouse on D DECK

501. Miss Marion Slack.
Miss Sarah Stubner
Miss Louise Vogt

502. Miss E.M. Johnson.
Mrs. Laura Olson

503. Mrs. Marie Byrne
Mrs. Christine Stemmermann
Miss Ann Stemmermann

504. Miss Charlotte Behr
Miss Henrietta Muller
Miss Dorothy Muller

505. Mr. William Price
Mrs. Mary Price

506. Mr. Martin Renz
Mrs. Anna Marie Renz

507. Mrs. Myrtle Lohse
Mrs. Bertha Olmsted

508. Miss Doris Landes
Miss Elsie Suhr
Miss Ethel Suhr.

510. Miss Ruth Fabel
Miss Mary Gilmore



14 of 16 cabins occupied.

601. Mrs. Elizabeth Marie Welch
Mrs. Emily Moran
Miss Marion Moran.

602. Mrs. Sophie Altenburg
Mrs. Minnie Davis. Recovered from cabin: Five keys on chain, lavaliere, one key, thirteen coins. Scissors. Wrist watch, stopped at 4:45.

603. Mr. Anthony Lione
Mrs. Mary Lione
Master Raymond Lione
Master Robert Lione

604. Miss Helen Kosanke
Miss Sadie M. Wald. Recovered from cabin: One bracelet, three keys.

605. Mr. Herman H. Torborg
Mr. John Torborg, Jr.

606. Mrs. Rose Kraus
Mrs. Mary Steckler

607. Mr. William Haessler
Mr. James Petrie

608. Miss Fannie Fryman
Miss Ann Litwak. Recovered from cabin: Eight coins, one key.

609. Mr. John C. Kent.
Mr. Charles Elias

610. Miss Elmira Thompson
Miss Ida Brown. Recovered from cabin: Wrist watch, three keys an chain, three keys on ring, three lavalieres, two keys on safety pin, dinner ring.

611. Mr. Frederick Griesmer
Mrs. Lillian Griesmer

612. Mrs. Dorothy Lofmark
Mrs. Augusta Griesmer

614. Miss Alma Hill
Miss Ruth Torborg

616. Miss Gertrude Brownley
Miss Frances Mueller
Miss Marjorie Ehrman

(?) (?) Miss Madeline Desvernine. Boarded in Havana. Shared a C Deck cabin with another woman, by her own account. Cabin was on the starboard side, according to the account of her cousin, Miss Alice Desvernine.

(?) Mr. Frank Dittman. Boarded in Havana. Most likely shared C-277 with George Watremez.

(?) Mr. Franz Hoed de Beche
Mr. Joseph Hidalgo. Boarded in Havana. They shared an outside cabin.

(?) Dr. Emilio Giro
Mr. Rafael Mestre. Boarded in Havana.

Crew Locker #8.  Ramon Ferner. Khaki rain coat (hanging on line to dry) camera- Eastman Kodak, hunting knife, roll of film, negatives, wallet.

Crew List

Morro Castle: Crew List    This list was compiled from the Ward Line crew manifest located in the Crocco papers, and is as close to accurate as I can make it.  The manifest of the September 1st voyage appears to be a photostat of a carbon copy and, in places, is all-but-unreadable.  Any questionable names were compared with names on the manifests for the Morro Castle‘s final three completed voyages, which can be found at There are many discrepancies between the four lists (for instance, Hiram Gastambide is listed as Gastenside, Gastenbide and Gastambide, with equal frequency throughout 1934) that I have tried to reconcile through newspaper lists and SSDI. In several cases, crewmembers known to have been on the final voyage (Pond, Brodkin, Kirby, Bogeti) did not appear on the final manifest.

Abbott, Eben. 48. Chief  Engineer. 786 Pelhamdale Avenue, New Rochelle, NY.
Abbott, Ernest. 52. Junior Engineer. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Alagna, George. 28. Second Radio Operator. Wallingford, Connecticut. 4/14/06-10/24/90
Alvarez, Carlos. 27. Steward. 1532 5th Avenue, NYC, NY.
Anzalone, Charles. 34. Able Seaman. 284 Houston Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Italy.
Apicella, Marco. 23. Gym Instructor. 1262 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 3/9/11-8/86
Ariessohn, Lester. 29. 2nd Assistant purser. 37 West 72nd Street, NYC, NY. 1/3/05-3/85
Bagley, Arthur. 23. Ordinary Seaman. 44 Gramercy Park, NYC, NY.
Barrios, Arturo. 36. Second Assistant Cook.  115 Kane Street, Brooklyn, NY. Born in Puerto Rico.
Barrios, Juan. 33. Water Tender. 122 Clay Street, Brooklyn, NY. Spanish citizen.
Beaumont, Alex. 29. Wiper. 209 East 25th Street, NYC, NY.
Beck, Lena. 41. Librarian. 206 East 78th Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Bendet, Max. 33. Musician. 1414 White Plains Road, Bronx, NY.
Beresford, Robert. 21. Ordinary Seaman. 49 Nome Street, Forest Hills, NY. Born in Argentina.
Bernhardt, William. 34. Able Seaman. 4301-162nd Street, Flushing, Queens, NY.
Bertocci, James. 27. Deck Steward. 602 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ.
Bertocci, Joseph. 19. Deck Steward. 602 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ.
Bilbao, Phillip. 37. Steward. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain. 4/24/98-9/60
Bogeti, Sirl. 28. Deck Steward.
Bourgos, Juan. 29. Firemen’s Messman.  68 East 114th Street, NYC, NY. Born in Puerto Rico.
Bouguson, Elias. 35. Bath Steward.
Brodkin, Irving. Musician. 28.
Brink, Charles. 27. 304 Irwin Street, Philadelphia.
Bruno, George. 34. Steward. Hoboken, New Jersey. Naturalized U.S. citizen,  born in Germany.
Bujia, Antonio. 46. 1st Assistant Engineer. 4103 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain. 7/25/88-7/67
Campa, John. 34. Able Seaman. 23 Home Place, Lodi, New Jersey.
Campbell, Daniel. 34. Assistant Beverage Steward.  Elmhurst, New York. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Capaz, Nicolas. 35. Fireman. 68 East 114th Street, NYC, NY.  12/20/98-4/85
Cardelleccio, Frank. 43. Barber. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Italy.
Carey, Frank. 41.Silver Pantry. 1855 Boulevard East, Weehawken, NJ. English citizen.
Casiniere, Albert. 31. Pastry Maker. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Canada.
Cayhue, Ray. 42. Bath Steward.  West 26th Street, NYC.
Charles, Tom. 23. Able Seaman. 4306 23rd Street, San Francisco, Ca.
Cody, Walter. 17. Deck Cadet. 88 Hester Street, NYC, NY. 11/21/16-11/74
Cohn, Irving. 19. Engineering Cadet. Bronx, NY.
Corte, Robert. 25. Steward. Blaine, Ohio. 1/27/09-12/23/98
Costa, Enrique. 43. Officers’ Messman. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen.
Caldwell, John. 32. Steward. 584 Jackson Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Celi, Nat. 28. Steward. Richmond Hill, Queens, New York.  Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Italy.
Cluthe, Herman. 28. Assistant cruise director. 365 Ridgewood Avenue, Glenridge, New Jersey. 11/15/06-8/77
Daly, Addis. 23. Elevator Operator. 20 Tiptop Street, Brighton Mass. 1/22/06-3/87
Davis, Joseph. 34. Steward.  1644 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY.
Davis, Sidney, 19. Bellboy. 117 North 3rd Avenue, Highland Park, NJ.
Derringh, William. 32. Steward.  Bronx, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen ,born in England.
Dinne, John. 33. Quartermaster. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Latvia.
Driscoll, James. 25. Steward.
Douglas, Herbert. 39. Steward. 271 3rd Avenue, NYC, NY.  Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Dunhaupt, Otto. 48. Printer.  375 West 181st Street, NYC. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Dunn, Gerald. 19. Ordinary Seaman. Princeton, New Jersey, R.F.D. #2.
D’Uva, John. 37. 1314 Elder Avenue, Bronx, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Brazil.
Duvinage, Russell. 20.1st Assistant Purser. 391 Thornden Street, South Orange, New Jersey. 8/14-2/76
Edgerton, Jerry. 20. Sculleryman. Burlington, Wisconsin.
Eichler, Charles. 44. Steward. 34-22 42nd Street, Astoria, Queens, NY.
Eklund, Albert. 34. Deck Steward. 7602 Ridge Boulevard, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Finland.
Farnell, Hamlet. 46. Steward. 7334  56th. Street, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen,  born in England.
Ferguson, Malcolm. 35. Night Watchman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Fernandez, Joseph. 27. Steward. 47-30 35th Street, Woodside, NY.
Fernal, Joseph. 20. Junior Electrician. Bayonne, New Jersey.
Ferner, Ramon. 19. Fireman. 435 Chauncey Street, Lyndhurst, New Jersey.
Flood, John. 19. Fireman.
Foersch, Harold. 33. Night Watchman. U.S.S. Altari, San Diego, CA.
Ford, James. 41. Second Steward. 74-30 87th Street, Woodhaven, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Frank, Harry. 32. Able Seaman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Freeman, Ivan. 37  2nd Officer.  610 Madison Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Ful, Manuel. 32. Officers’ Messman. `27 Roosevelt Street, NYC, NY.  Spanish citizen.
Garcia, Francisco. 33. Sculleryman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Garcia, Jose.34. Carpenter. 108 Roosevelt Street, NYC, NY. Born in Puerto Rico.
Garcia, Manuel. 42. Storekeeper. 3111 Water Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen.
Garner, Robert. 20. Wiper. 93 Bay Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ.
Gasch, Albert. 42. Steward. 72 10th Street, Hoboken, NJ. German citizen.
Gastambide, Hiram. 25. Water Tender. 1673 Madison Avenue, NYC, NY. Born in Puerto Rico.
Georgio, Antonio. 30. Oiler. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Greek citizen. 6/2/04-6/80
Goetz, Paul. 46. Chief Pantry. 917 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Gomez, Manuel. 32. 5th Assistant Cook. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen
Gonzalez, German. 29. 7th Assistant Cook. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Cuban citizen.
Gonzalez, Manuel. 47. Steward. 328 East 125th Street, NYC, NY.  Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Gonzalez, Manuel. 36. Officers’ Messman. 153 East 31st Street, NYC, NY. Cuban citizen.
Gross, John. 22. Able Seaman.
Guterbay, Jesus. 32. 6th Assistant Cook. 101 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Spanish citizen.
Hackney, Clarence. 38. 3rd Officer. 155 East 80th Street, NYC, NY. 10/9/96-3/15/73
Hamill, Richard. 31. 4th Assistant Engineer. 322 Linden Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Hamrin, Gustav. 38. Quartermaster. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Hansen, Howard. 35. 4th Officer. 314 West 30th Street, NYC, NY.
Hamrey, Dimas. 24. Steward.
Harris, Henry. 23. 3rd  Engineer. 248 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Hassin, Max. 36. Steward. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Henderson, Sinclair. 34. Telephone operator. 350 Maine Street, East Orange, NJ.
Hellestrand, William. 18. Engineering Cadet. 157 West 61st St, NYC, NY.
Hershkowitz, Harry. 35. Musician. 1685 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Hoffman, Samuel. 29. Quartermaster. 141 Park Street, Chelsea, Mass.
Howell, John. 18. Bellboy. 323 James Street, Teaneck, NJ.
Houston, Colin. 26. Fireman. 62 Chestnut Street, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Scotland.
Izaguirre, Anselmo. 34. 3rd Assistant Cook. 116 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Citizen of Spain.  4/20/00-4/65
Izaguirre, Florencio. 38. Chief Cook. 116 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain. 4/9/96-5/53
Jackson, Charles. 24. Wiper. 140 Carlton Street, Buffalo, NY.
Jacoby, Ella. 37. Manicurist. 34-48 30th Street, Astoria, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen,  born in Germany. 7/4/97-9/79
Janssen, Edward. 18. Sailor’s Messman. 257 Rooney Street, Brooklyn, NY. 7/19/16-9/6/06
Johnson, Trygue. 36. Carpenter. 119-60 130th Street, Ozone Park, NY.
Julian, Roy. 19.Wiper. 385 Virginia Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.
Justis, William. 32. Chief Electrician. 1217 Garden Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Kelsey, Leroy. 23. Able Seaman. POB 66, East Chatham, NY.
Kirby, Sarah. Stewardess.
Kitchen, William. 52. Plumber. 2406 University Avenue Bronx, NY.
Klinger, Gustav. 31. Junior Engineer. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Koch, Herman. 32. Steward. 34-36 26th Street, Long Island City, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Konderousis, Demos. 37. Water Tender. Seaman’s Institute. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Greece.
Kopf, Richard. 25. Steward. 28th Street YMCA, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen,  born in Germany.
Krusche, Peter. 42. Portman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Latvia.
Kurland, Albert. 40. Musician. 21 Sherman Avenue, Bronx, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Russia.
La Fuente, Jesus. 43. Assistant Butcher. 43 Cherry Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen.
Larranaga, Nicolas. 32. Assistant Cook. Spanish citizen.
Latta, Clyde. 34. Chief Steward. Fredonia, New York.
Liddel, Charles. Steward. 43. 1260 3rd Avenue, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Scotland.
Livingston, Sol. 52. Night Watchman. 611 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, NY.
Lockmeyer,William. 21.Ordinary Seaman. 30 James Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey. 9/27/19-3/10/91
Lopez, John. 42. 4th Assistant Cook. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen.
Makarski, Stanley.43. Sculleryman.  563 15th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Russia.
Maki, Charles. 23. 3rd Radio Operator. 249 East 126th Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Finland. 6/7/11-12/62
Markov, Joseph. 30. Steward. 48-24 193rd Street, Flushing, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Yugoslavia.
Marshall, Harry. 43.Fireman. 1017 Porter Street, Richmond, Virginia.
Martin, Nelson. 22. Steward. 2155 8th Avenue, NYC. Born in Puerto Rico.
Martinez, Manuel. 36. Engineer. 311 Water Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Maser, Ben.
Mata, Antonio. 27. Messman. 45 Monroe Street, NYC, NY. Mexican citizen.
Matarrita, Arturo. 36. Beverage Steward.  Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Costa Rica.
Maus, Julius. 27. Elevator Operator. Little Neck, NY. German citizen.
McCrodden, Matthew. 23. Steward. Los Angeles, CA.
McDonald, Hugh. 43. Steward. 135th Street, Jamaica, Queens, NY. Naturalized U.S citizen,  born in Canada.
McManus, James P. 26. Ordinary Seaman. 76 Harper Street, Rochester, NY.
McNally, Bernard. 42. Storekeeper. 3538 Hull Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Melberd, Martin. 39. Junior Engineer. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Latvia.
Miller, Isidore. 29. Steward. 541 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Miller, Percy. 34. 2nd Electrician. Ponca, Nebraska.
Miller, Solomon. 20. Steward. 1357 Intervale Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Molnar, Paul. 24. Bellboy. Richmond Hill, Queens, NY.
Monroe, Clarence. 19. Able Seaman. 1237 Westside Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey.
Montouvalos, James. 42. Oiler. 176 East 102nd Street, NYC, NY. Greek citizen.
Moore, Robert. 20. Fireman. Sioux City, Iowa.
Morris, Jerome. 29. Assistant Beverage Steward. 1603 41st Street, Brooklyn, NY. 1904-1981
Morris, Stanley. 38. Junior Engineer. 105 McKinley Ave. Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Latvia.
Muir, Philip. 43. Tearoom Steward. 573 Isham Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. Citizen born in England.
Munez, Valentine.35. Messman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Cuba.
Munoz, Anthony. 32.  Steward. 1242 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Nelson, Richard. 39. Junior Engineer. Jersey City, New Jersey. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Russia.
Nemoresky, Charles. 31. Steward. 1250 Morrison Avenue, Bronx, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Russia.
Nieves, Thomas. 36. Fireman. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Born in Puerto Rico.
O’Connor, Joseph. 54. Night Watchman.  1117 E 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Olavarria, Rene. 30. Bath Steward.
O’Sullivan, William. 33. Storekeeper. 936 East 24th Street, Portland, Oregon.
Ottens, Herman. 36. Steward. 1866 Madison Street, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Paz, Marcellino. 34. Steward. 775 South Street, NYC ,NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Pazos, Jose. 39. Portman. 332 Water Street, NYC. Spanish citizen.
Pender, Arthur. 41. Night Watchman. 8 California Street, Clinton, Mass.
Perre, Joseph. 37. Steward. 315 New York Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Petti,  Samuel.  30.   Steward. 154 West 144th Street, NYC, NY.
Policastro, Guido. 19. Bellboy. 4514 15th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Pond, James. 41. 2nd Chief Steward.
Pryor, Carl. 33. Steward. 177 Central Avenue, Newark, Ohio.
Quirolo, Felix. 30. Steward. 589 Willow Street, Hoboken, NJ. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain 11/29/04-12/80
Ramos, Luciano. 42. Steward. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Cuba.
Riehle, Eugene. 48. Junior Electrician. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Roberts, Reginald. 21. Oiler. 66 Edgecomb Avenue, Yonkers, NY.
Rodriguez, Florencio. 36. Bath Steward. 518 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Cuba.
Rogers, George. 38. Chief Radio Operator. 601 Avenue E, Bayonne, New Jersey.
Rosen, Julius. 25. Musician.104 East 177th Street, Bronx, NY. 7/16/09-9/75
Ross, Alexander.  (Missing) 19. Deck Cadet. 217 Hamilton Avenue, St. George, Staten Island, NY.
Ruegg, Joseph. 26. Third Steward. 307 West 79th Street, NYC, NY. 7/24/07-112/83
Ruscoe, Nelson. 32. Musician. 2158 Clinton Avenue, Bronx, NY. 8/15/97-9/78
Russell, Aubry. 41. 2nd Assistant Engineer. 120 Mapes Avenue. Newark, New Jersey. 1892-1982
Ryan, Sidney.32. Steward. 15 West 66th Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized  U.S. citizen, born in England.
Saffir, Seymour. 18. Bellboy. 1378 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Saldana, William. 33. Bath Steward. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Born in Puerto Rico.
Schindel, George. 28. Chief Baker. 1019 Hoboken Street, North Bergen, NJ. German citizen. 1906-1975
Schwarz, Lena. 38. Stewardess. 229 East 11th Street, NYC,NY.
Seijo, Felix. 47. Steward. 35 Cherry Street, NYC.
Sherken, Herman. 24. Bellboy.
Smith, John. 47. Steward. 646 Jersey Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Holland.
Smith, Robert. 32. Cruise director. 132 South Tennessee Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Soltis, John. 27. Wiper. 194 Allister Street, Providence, Rhode Island.
Sorel, Albert. 33. Able Seaman. 1891 Bay Street, Fall River, Mass. 8/30/01-4/79
Soriano, Isaac. 30. Steward. 75 South Street, NYC, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Turkey. 1/14/03-4/19/90
Spagna, Joseph. 20. Sculleryman. 108 Cherry Street, NYC, NY.
Speiermans, Henry. 48. Chief Steward. East Lincoln Street, Verona, NJ. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Denmark.
Spilgas, Joseph. 25. Able Seaman. Center Moriches, NY.
Stamm, Hans. 39. Steward. 689 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Stamm, Henry. 37. Telephone Operator. 8489 Walnut Street, New Gardens, NY.
Stamper, Arthur. 28. 3rd Assistant Engineer. 385 Virginia Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. Naturalized  U.S. citizen, born in England. 1906-1998
Stephenson, Milton. 44. Steward. Fairlawn, New Jersey.
Steuben, Harry. 19. Oiler. 141 Orient Way, Rutherford, New Jersey.
Suarez, Francisco. 25. 2nd Pantry. 333 East 11th Street, Apt. 7. NYC, NY.
Suarez, Juan. 28. Sculleryman. 110 West 114th Street, NYC, NY.
Sunkens, Walter. 23. Oiler. 34-47 89th Street, Woodhaven, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Germany.
Tannenbaum, William. 26.  Night Watchman. 444 Grand Street, NYC, NY.
Thomas, James. 34. Able Seaman. General Delivery, Philadelphia, PA.
Tolman, Robert. 37. Purser. 21 Prospect Street, Westwood, New Jersey.
Toole, Roger.  21. Steward. 276 Lefferts Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Torres, William. 39. Night Watchman. New Nexico.
Torrealday, Ciriaco. 38. Butcher. 43 Cherry Street, NYC, NY. Spanish citizen.
Torreson, Thomas.17. 3rd Assistant Purser. 130 34th Street, Woodcliff, New Jersey.
Tripp, William. 18. Engineering Cadet.
Trujillo, Lupencino. 39. Assistant Chief Pantry. 724 8th Avenue, NYC, NY. Cuban citizen.
Truscott, Donald. 25. Elevator Operator. North Dakota.
Urbich, Ernest. 32. Bosun. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Austrian Citizen.
Vallejo, Antonio. 34. Linen keeper. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Van Zile, De Witt. 40. Surgeon. 73 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Varella, Donato. 31. Oiler. 355 West 111th Street, NYC, NY.  Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Spain.
Vasquez, Jose.  34. Sculleryman. 39 Cherry Street, NYC, NY.  Spanish citizen.
Vassiliades, John. 32. Steward. 25 South Street, NYC.  Greek citizen.
Vince, David. 33. Porter. 224 Johnson Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Viola, Rocco. 19. 3rd Assistant Pantry. 2374 Morris Park Avenue. Bronx, NY.
Walther, Fred. 21. Ordinary Seaman. 295 Rutland Avenue, Freeport, NY.
Warms, William. 45. Chief Officer. Green Village, New Jersey.
Webb, George. 22. Junior Electrician. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Weberman, George. 53. Night Baker. 407 East 57th Street, NYC, NY. German citizen.
Weidener, Paul. 36. Officers’ Messman. 329 East 14th Street, NYC, NY. German citizen.
Weinberger, Morris. 27. Able Seaman. 13425 Durant Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Weintraub, William. 28.Musician. Davidson Avenue, Bronx, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Welch, Joseph. 33.  Able Seaman. 1015 Vine Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
Williams, Frank. 28. Able Seaman. 339 East 112th Street, NYC, NY.
Willmott, Robert. 56. Master. 200-07 Beaufort Avenue, Hollis, Queens, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in England.
Wilson, Richard. 39. Junior Engineer.
Witherspoon, Norman. 23. Steward. 4th Street, Monogahela City, Pennsylvania. 7/24/11-12/84
Wright, Carl. 31. Saloon Steward. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Wright, Lewis. 40. Junior Engineer. Seamen’s Institute, NYC.
Wright, William. 17. Wiper. 514West 39th Street,  NYC, NY.
Yanes, Pedro. 26. Elevator Operator. Seamen’s Institute, NYC. Cuban citizen. 1908-1979
York, James. 36. Oiler. 9485  5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Young, Robert.18. Bellboy. 105-13 109th Street, Ozone Park NY.
Zabala, Andrew. 17. Fireman. 404 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Zabala, Ragne. 36. Stewardess. 404 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Citizen of  Denmark.
Zass, Ferdinand. 37. Steward. Avenue I, Brooklyn, NY. Naturalized U.S. citizen, born in Turkey.